

“Internationale Alternativen” (“International Alternatives”), in Paulus/Knecht, “Gerichtliche Sanierung”, 2018, p. 428 ss.

“Gläubigerautonomie in der Insolvenz” (“Creditor’s Rights in German Insolvency Proceedings”), in: Kind/Kießner/Frank (Publ.), “Unternehmenskrisen – Der Jurist als Notarzt”, 2007

“Umgang mit Unternehmenskrisen” (“Dealing with Corporate Crisis”), in: Kast et. al., “Handbuch für junge Unternehmen”, 2004

“Die Insolvenzanfechtung in Deutschland und England” (“Voidable Transactions in Germany and England”), 2003

Scientific Articles

“Aus COVInsAG wird SanInsKG – sonst ändert sich nix?” (“From COVInsAG to SanInsKG – no other changes?”), ZinsO 2022, 2225

“ESUG-Evaluation – und nu?” (“ESUG-Evaluation – what now?”) ZInsO, 2019, 180

“Bedingt sanierungsbereit – Restrukturierung, Sanierung und Insolvenzverwaltung im Umbruch” (“Conditionally enabled for turnaround – (German) restructuring, turnaround and insolvency administration in turmoil”), ZInsO 2016, 1778 (notice at jurion)

“Mezzanine Programs in Germany: Looming Challenges for Companies and Funds”, International Corporate Rescue, 2011, 351

“Plädoyer für ein Gesetz zur vorinsolvenzlichen Sanierung von Unternehmen” (“Pleadings for a pre-insolvency restructuring mechanism for enterprises”), ZInsO 3/2011, 57

“Clawback of Transactions before Insolvency”, International Corporate Rescue, 6/2008, 360

“German Companies heading towards England for their Rescue”, International Corporate Rescue 4/2007, 171

“Creditor’s Rights in German Insolvency Proceedings – How Effective Are the Procedural Rules?”, International Corporate Rescue, 2006, 316

“Sanierung durch Insolvenz bei Steuerberatern?” (“Business Recovery through insolvency for a tax firm?”), Der Steuerberater, 9/2005, 338

“Praktische Probleme des Dauerbrenners Rangrücktritt” (“Current issues regarding debt subordination agreements”), Der Steuerberater 12/2003, 443

Practice Articles

“2022 – Cassandras Blick in die Glaskugel”, Annual Forecast 2022, ZInsO 2022, 385

„Der Blick hinter die Glaskugel – Gedanken zur Risiko- und Krisenfrüherkennung in mittelständischen Unternehmen“ (“Looking behind the crystal ball – thoughts on early risk and crisis detection in SMEs”), ZInsO 2020, 1673

“2020 – Cassandra Update”, Update on Annual Forecast 2020, ZInsO, 1333

“2020 – Cassandras Blick in die Glaskugel”, Annual Forecast 2020, ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 441

“2019 – Cassandras Blick in die Glaskugel”, Annual Forecast 2019, ZInsO 2019, 525

“2018 – Cassandras Blick in die Glaskugel”, Annual Forecast 2018, ZInsO 2018, 281

„Wie defizitäre Häuser wieder auf eine Basis gestellt werden“ (“How loss-making hospitals can be turned around”), KU Gesundheitsmanagement, 2/2014, 43

“Mezzanine-Finanzierungen – oder: Wie aus einer Win-win Situation eine Lose-lose-Situation werden kann” (“Mezzanine-Financing – or: how to go from a win-win to a lose-lose status”), Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel 02/2011

“Was bleibt übrig? Eigenverwaltung im ESUG macht Beratern Appetit” (“What is left? DIP-procedures stimulates advisors’ appetite”), INDat-Report, 01/2011

“Restructuring Corporate Debt in Germany”, Corporate Debt, 04/09

“Insolvenz als Mittel der Sanierung auch im Einzelhandel – Ein Praxisbeispiel” (“Insolvency as a restructuring tool also in the retail-sector – a case study”), together with Detlef Specovius, Concentro Turnaround Investment Guide 2009

“Gestaltungsoptionen durch Rechtsform und Sitzverlegung” (“Options for corporate recovery through choice of corporation and forum”), Newsletter “Sanierung & Insolvenz”, Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner GmbH, 4/2007

“Acquérir une entreprise allemande en difficultés: risques et avantages” (Acquisition of a German company in crisis), Le Moci, 12/2004

“Incorporating a business in Europe”, Newsletter Baltic Sear Forum, 12/2004

Teaching Engagements

“Insolvency Law & Business Recovery” („Insolvenzrecht & Sanierung“ / “Sanierung & Restrukturierung”), course held as lecturer in law, FOM University of Applied Science, Campus Berlin, since summer term 2018

“Negotiation Tactics” („Verhandlungsführung“), course held as lecturer in economics, FOM University of Applied Science, Campus Berlin, since winter term 2018/ 2019

“(Corporate) Crises – characteristics, handling, prevention” (“(Unternehmens-)Krisen – Verlauf, Bewältigung, Vorbeugung” ), course held as lecturer in law / economics at the University of applied science Landshut, between summer term 2014 and winter term 2017/2018


Restructuring, Turnaround & Insolvency

“Restructuring & Turnarounds – Dealing with the upsurge”, Webinar/Podiumsdiskussion, DDC – Global Debt & Economy Investment Summit 2020, 3 June 2020

“Corona laws: amendments to insolvency law, liability of managing directors, obligation to apply, temporal validity, special regulations” (“Corona-Gesetze: Änderungen am Insolvenzrecht, Geschäftsführer-Haftung, Antragspflicht, zeitliche Geltung, Sonderregelungen”), Webinar, APR – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Privater Rundfunk, 31 March 2020

“Liability risks of tax consultants, lawyers and management consultants in the event of client insolvency – Part II – escape routes from the liability trap” (“Haftungsrisiken von Steuerberatern, Rechtsanwälten und Unternehmensberatern bei einer Insolvenz von Mandanten – Teil II
Auswege aus der Haftungsfalle), seminar together with RA Dirk Streifler, Berlin Lawyer’s Association, Berlin, 27 February 2020

“Liability risks of tax consultants, lawyers and management consultants in the event of client insolvency” (“Haftungsrisiken von Steuerberatern, Rechtsanwälten und Unternehmensberatern in der Insolvenz des Mandanten”), seminar together with RA Dirk Streifler, Berlin Lawyer’s Association, Berlin, 19 December 2019

“The EU Directive on Restructuring & Insolvency” (“Die Europäische Richtlinie über Restrukturierung & Insolvenz”), speech for a client event of a major IP firm, Magdeburg, 15 November 2019 (cf. for more here)

“Current developments in corporate turnaround” (“Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei Unternehmenskrisen”), seminar, Berlin-Brandenburg tax advisor association, Berlin, January 2018 (cf. for more here (in German))

“Update on European Restructuring Developments”, panel discussion, ERS breakfast seminar, London, 18 January 2018

“Bargaining in Insolvency & Restructuring – Business Practice”, speech, 3rd Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory in Business Practice, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, 16 / 17 June 2016

“Latest trends, techniques and tools for SME Debt Restructuring in the main Continental European jurisdictions”, Panel Discussion, TMA Europe Conference, Rome, 10 June 2016

“Personal liability and avoidance actions against advisors in a corporate crisis” („Beraterhaftung und Honoraranfechtung in der Krise“), seminar, Berlin Lawyer’s Association, Berlin, 20 April 2016

“NPL’s and the new dynamic between creditors and debtors in restructuring”, panel discussion, ERS breakfast information update, London, 15 January 2016

“In a crisis, the tax advisor will always be held liable” („In der Krise haftet der Steuerberater immer“), seminar, Berlin-Brandenburg tax advisor association, Berlin, 12 January 2016

“Turnaround Today – International and Interdisciplinary Challenges”, speech, 2nd Weblaw-Forum, Zurich, March 2012

“When the insolvency administrator starts to really laugh” (“Worüber der Insolvenzverwalter herzlich lacht”), seminar for a German bank, Berlin, August 2011

“A new paradigm in restructuring – The German Perspective”, panel speaker, TMA Europe Conference, Helsinki, 9 June 2011

“The Debt-Equity-Swap” (“Der Debt-Equity-Swap”), seminar, Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner, various locations, 2011/2012

“Distressed Retail in Germany”, speech, IIR-conference “Investing in Distressed Debt”, London, December 2008

“Hospitals in crisis”, seminar for Deutsche Anwalt Akademie, Stuttgart, November 2008

“Forum-shopping”, series of seminars for Wieselhuber Consulting, various locations, 2008

“(German) International Insolvency Law” (“Internationales Insolvenzrecht”), seminar for the course for lawyers specialising in insolvency law, Fürstenberg-Seminare, Seligenstadt, December 2009

“Professional Assessment of a Company’s chances to recover” (“Sanierungsprüfung”), workshop, Berlin, January 2007

“Probleme bei grenzüberschreitenden Sanierungsberatungen” (“Current issues in cross-border restructurings), speech, Karner-Forum, Freiburg, September 2006

“Recent Approaches to Corporate Rescue in Germany”, speech, INSOL Europe, Warsaw, May 2006

“Insolvency cases with international implications” (“Insolvenzen mit internationalem Bezug”), seminar, April 2006

“Crisis and insolvency of social welfare corporations” (“Krise und Insolvenz im Bereich gemeinnütziger Einrichtungen”), seminar, Bochum, November 2005

“German Case Study: PrimaCom AG”, panel speaker, Distressed Investing Europe Conference, London, May 2005

“Legal traps for entrepreneurs and managers during crisis management” (“Juristische Fallstricke für Unternehmer und Manager in der Krisenbewältigung”), 3rd German Business Day, workshop, October 2004

Corporate Law

„Anforderungen an Aufsichtsratsmitglieder in gemeinnützigen Organisationen“ (“Requirements for members of the non-executive board in charities”, speech to the advisory board of a charity, Berlin, 12 April 2019

„Anforderungen an Aufsichtsratsmitglieder in gemeinnützigen Organisationen“, (“Requirements for members of the non-executive board in charities”), work shop for a charity, Berlin, 1 March 2014

“Rechte und Pflichten AR-Mitglied einer gemeinnützigen Organisation” (Rights and duties of a non-executive director in a charity), Speech for a charity, Frankfurt/Oder, 18 August 2011

“Vorstand & Aufsichtsrat einer AG” (executive and non-executive directors in a plc.), seminar for an internet-startup, Frankfurt/Main, 15 February 2001


„Die Glaskugel“ – oder „Prognosen sind schwierig – Teil II“ („The crystal ball – or Forecasts are difficult – Part II“), Webinar in the forum „Halbsieben“, Munich, 22 June 2020

„Wirtschaftsprognose – Nur etwas für „Profis“? – Strategische Frühaufklärung – Praktisch“ („Economic Forecasting – Only Something for “Professionals”? – Strategic Early Reconnaissance – Practical”), guest lecture, University of Applied Science Wildau, 12 November 2019

„BIP Deutschland 2020:-0,4% – realistisches Szenario für die Unternehmensplanung?“ (“GDP Germany 2020:-0.4% – realistic scenario for corporate planning?”), Keynote, CFIW-Summer Event, 19 September 2019

„Forewarned is forearmed?“ – Early Warning & Forecasting – in practive, lecture, University of Apllied Science, Emden-Leer, 9. Mai 2018

“Gefahr erkannt – Gefahr gebannt! Wie man mit (Krisen-) Indikatoren Markttendenzen für sich erkennt und nutzbar macht” (“Forewarned is forearmed! How to spot and use market trends with the help of (crisis-) indicators”), Key-Note, 6. Deutscher Gläubigerkongress, Cologne, 22 / 23 June 2017

“The Chrystal Ball – Prediction is difficult, especially when dealing with the future” („Die Glaskugel – Prognosen sind schwierig, besonders wenn sie die Zukunft betreffen“), speech, enrepreneur’s event “Halbsieben”, Munich, 13 February 2017

“Investment policy for social welfare organisations” (“Kapitalanlage in der Sozialwirtschaft – zwischen Rendite und Risiko”), Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Berlin, September 2008

“Investment policy for social welfare organisations” (“Kapitalanlage in der Sozialwirtschaft – zwischen Rendite und Risiko”), Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Berlin, July 2007

“Young Enterprises in Germany” (“Junge Unternehmen am Standort Deutschland”), speech for the Wirtschaftsrat Deutschland, Berlin, May 2004


(“Negotiation skills come up short”), “Ver­hand­lungs­füh­rung kommt zu kurz”, Statement in LTO, 6 December 2021

“Wirecard’s Shares Are Still in Demand Despite Insolvency”, Bloomberg, 30 June 2020

“This is what entrepreneurs should now know in case their enterprise becomes illiquid” (“Das müssen Unternehmer jetzt wissen, wenn ihr Betrieb zahlungsunfähig ist”), Tagesspiegel, 25 March 2020

(“Air Berlin – what does the commencement of the insolvency procedure mean?”) „Air Berlin – was bedeutet die Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens?“, Interview RBB-Inforadio, 1 November 2017

(“Air Berlin – what has to be observed in insolvency?” (“Air Berlin – Was ist in der Insolvenz zu beachten?”), Interview RBB-Inforadio, 12 September 2017

“Crisis in sight?” (“Krise in Sicht?”), Return 1/17, 56

“Clinical Thermometer for enterprises” (“Fieberthermometer des Unternehmens”), return-online, 10 April 2017

“100 voices to be heard before fine-tuning the ESUG” ( “100 Stimmen, die gehört werden sollten, um das ESUG abzurunden”), INDAt Report 8/2016, p. 24, 3 November 2016

“Heta Creditors Seek Oversight to Stop Further Harm”, about the creditors’ negotations with the state of Carinthia, Bloomberg, 21 July 2015

“A legal battle could yet sink the Greek bailout”, about the Greek debt crisis, CityAM, 29 June 2011

“Consequences of a state bankrupcy for Greece” (“Folgen einer Staatspleite für Griechenland”), Interview on the Greek debt crisis, Reuters, 17 May 2011

“What to do if a hedge fund comes looking for your debt”, about possible reactions to Hedge Fonds, CityAM, 16 May 2011

“Civvy Street’s Boardrooms Gain From Military Cuts”, about the use of military skills in the businessworld, Wall Street Journal, 9 November 2010

“A thousand cries of pain”, about the crisis in the German Mittelstand, The Economist, 19 February 2009